To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)

Date: 2024-09-30 03:35:52

I don't love you if you continue to validate defend and protect your Father Fausto. You called the police about me when I was telling you that we have a duty to punish him LEGALLY and LAWFULLY. You punish me for the fact that your father raped you. Yours way more beautiful than Ruby, but you protect your rapist. Get thee behind me, Satan. You Maritza, don't understand that by not recognizing publically and punishing on the public record, you're actually not protecting future possible victims. You shame me, so grow the fuck up or get the fuck out of my life. You're 51, not 14. When you were 14 yr you were a child and a VICTIM. Now at 51 you are an adult and a allegedly a SURVIVOR of your father's sinful deposits into you. Our duty is simple, so it's either deal with your father and protect those like my son and her daughter, or get thee behind me, Pedo Protector. I love you dearly, and you have a simple choice.. do you love and protect your father in YOUR past as a child, or do you love and respect OUR future as adults? You needed therapy at the time of the incident, and your mother had the duty to ensure your recovery. I love you, but you act like Fausto's little bitch, and not like my partner. It is hard, but just doing the easy things will not protect our children. Kelly is messed up, but you shouldn't act like a child. I LOVE you, but you HATE me.

Date: 2024-09-30 04:01:52

You can say you FORGIVE your father for raping you, but unless he is RECOGNIZED and PUNISHED for raping a CHILD then what is happening is you are saying that you do not think there should be punishment for when a man rapes a 14-yr-old child. You're so conditioned by your mother to PROTECT your father it hurts me because it CLEARLY indicates that you think I am not your husband, or that I am LESS WORTHY of you than your father is of you SERVING HIM UNTIL DEATH DO YOU PART from him. How can you DARE to say that you're CATHOLIC when you consent that a man should be not recognizing or punished for the evil he did? Amazing.

Date: 2024-09-30 10:08:20

Are you awake yet, Ms OROZCO?

Date: 2024-09-30 15:37:09

Isaac I've made an appointment for both of us at Holy Name church on the danforth near pape tomorrow at 2 pm so it is on oct 1st, 2024with a priest there please answer back that you are attending. I've tried calling you that is why I was calling you about.

Date: 2024-09-30 18:22:36

Oct 1 at 2pm at the rectory this is on gough street, tomorrow I will be there. Holy Name parish. Church on the danforth. Look up where this church is. Please reply back

Date: 2024-09-30 18:24:39

Voicemail 1 New 0 Urgent

Date: 2024-09-30 20:53:37

No. That's not how it works.

Date: 2024-09-30 21:20:33

Goodnight Ms OROZCO.

Date: 2024-09-30 21:56:46

If you respect me as your Alpha, you will change your significant ID to Hillier or Bon Hillier, which means basically the HEALTH CARD, ONTARIO ID CARD, and your SIN card will have MARITZA BON HILLIER or MARITZA HILLIER. You are not going to push some Dikshit down my throat who claims that your father raped you against his will, so it's not appropriate to RECOGNIZE his action as being against your will. Otherwise, I will accept a written and legally verified admission of your willingness and consensual participation in the coital process with Fr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO. Furthermore, we will within one year legally and lawfully ensure that Mr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO is registered on the NSIR or National Sex Offender Registry. Against his will or with his consent. A true Catholic does not WAIVE the sun of the rapist just because it hurts to recall it, even in order to protect MY children and HER adopted daughter. I have not yet listened to your message, but I doubt it is reasonable in any fashion. We have a duty as ADULT Roman Catholic, but you're welcome to simply recognize that you're not a full adult and so thusly were not obligated to recognize sins of your Father who art not in heaven. Otherwise I'm regarded by the survivor as worse than your rapist, in which case you may proceed to remove yourself from the role as spouse of Mr ISAAC BON HILLIER. I love you, but I understand that you've done EXACTLY this for 14 years.

Date: 2024-09-30 21:58:01

Voicemail 2 New 0 Urgent

Date: 2024-09-30 21:59:08

You have my BROADVIEW LOCATION address. Come in person and respect your husband.

Date: 2024-09-30 22:01:32

Voicemail 3 New 0 Urgent

Date: 2024-09-30 22:29:27

You are being UNREASONABLE. If you respect me as an ADULT then we will talk things over in person.

Date: 2024-09-30 22:31:00

I'm not a 48 year old child abuser, but I am 42 year old husband who you walk out upon to win a misunderstanding.

Date: 2024-09-30 22:31:27

Do you realiZe how disrespectful that is of you?

Date: 2024-09-30 22:32:41

We both know it is your go-to mode of engagement in order to win the power of authority over the one you're trying to control.

Date: 2024-09-30 22:32:53

Where are you tonight?

Date: 2024-09-30 22:36:57

This is TOTALLY unreasonable, and I VERY CLEARLY laid it out for you to understand. You hate ME more than you FEAR your father. An ADULT does not need a CHAPERONE to have a discussion with her husband. That is somewhat childish.

Date: 2024-09-30 23:04:39

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam or Ad majórem Dei glóriam, also rendered as the abbreviation AMDG, is a Latin quote which can be translated as "For the greater glory of God.” It has been used as a rallying cry for Catholics throughout history.. The full phrase attributed to St Ignatius is Ad maiorem Dei gloriam inque hominum salutem or "for the greater glory of God and the salvation of humanity." It is a summary of the idea that any work that is not evil, even one that would normally be considered inconsequential to the spiritual life, can be spiritually meritorious. So thereby I can. Consider that you intentionally made love to your father in order to protect your mother. Thereby, you respect and value your mother, your brother, and even your father as more important than there man to whom you. Have walked out on in evitacion 20% of the time. Thusly, you’ve only been present in marriage 80% gross since died, but 0% net, because when you are here you are in secret. Thereby, GTFU or GTFO. Right? Stop acting like a 14 year old child, and respect your husband as an EQUAL with whom you care enough to TALK about something which you misunderstand as shameful with your having made love to your father in order to protect your mother and brother from the eventual disrespect, because you just quietly fucked dad, cried wolf to your mum, and you made your “noble sacrifice”. That is just one of the possibilities which run through my head, but you disrespect me so… GTFU or GTFO.

Date: 2024-09-30 23:08:15

Very simple, my child. ------------------------------------------------- Ad maiorem Dei gloriam inque hominum salutem or "for the greater glory of God and the salvation of humanity."