To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-08-22 13:24:56
Luv you ... Text me later in the afternoon please sweetie. -Isaac

Date: 2024-08-22 16:39:53
Please do not punish me in order to protect your father from experiencing the consequences of raping his daughter in '87.
These idiots who're telling you that it's proper to protect your father from the consequences of raping his own daughter are fucking morons, not adults.
Put away your dad's childish protections which you afforded him because he threatened to hurt your mother.
You choose to punish me for not accepting and loving your father because of what he did to his daughter in 1987.

Date: 2024-08-22 16:48:55
Why do you punish and threaten me for my thoughts that we need to recognize the predators in the care of their victims in order to render the normalcy bias of protecting pedophiles which is pushed by the protective alleged victims of pedophiles like Mr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO.
Your statement that 'oh what's done is done, so I don't want to punish my rapist father for what I allege hr did to his 14-yr-old on allegedly one occasion.
You treat me as worse than we are obligated to enforce against the predators normalizing the presumption of innocence for men who rape their daughters.
Honestly Maritza, I know this is tough, but sometimes our duty as Catholics is difficult and so rarely done that we protect pedophiles because they need to be respected and protected as fathers, even more important than a husband.

Date: 2024-08-22 16:51:43
I 💕 LOVE 😘 you as an ADULT through good times and the bad. I respect you, even if I know the truth about what REALLY happened to you in your childhood when you were abused by your father.

Date: 2024-08-22 16:57:11
You have no heart to think I could go to police to report a rape this is too disturbing nd u have lied to me by saying u realized that it was too painful to go through said u we're sorry for pushing me to do it. Is shows yu don't know anything since like my father you choose to hurt me by putting it out there that o was raped as a child . You don't love me. a man although knowing something like this happened , wouldn't want to shame the woman and have written that this happened n continue to put it up online and talk to anyone about it. You gossip to anyone this is abusive and shameful and painful for me. You are a Bully . You share what is supposed to stay in confidence secret whenever you want to. You don't care about my hurt feelings. Leave me alone for you don't love me cherish me or respect me.
You lied to me and to Kim n you lied to my mother that you loved me. You were only using me and it shows.

Date: 2024-08-22 16:57:27
Please do not disrespect me because I believe that pedophiles MUST be recognized and punished for their acts against the faith.
Your father was a predator, and your actions to PROTECT him from the consequences of raping you in '87 et al are just a bit hurtful.
I understand it as your recognition that your father is more important than your husband.
Either that, or you seem to have been conditioned by the controlling treatment by your father and mother. Even your "brother" protected your father.

Date: 2024-08-22 17:02:44
You are a bully abusing and think u are correct in everything. You have misused my money and put me into great debt. You are a grifter and an adulterer so shut up now . Be responsible and pay me what has been loaned to you through credit cards and cash. You are no Catholic for you don't forgive your enemies and ur wife u treat as a bank. U don't care about the danger of a woman been homeless you didn't care tofind a rental for us but want to end up on the streets. U r irresponsible. U would laugh and move on with ur life and forget me if I was found dead on the streets.

Date: 2024-08-22 17:04:28
You stated that
"you [I] share what is supposed to stay in confidence secret whenever you want to. You don't care about my hurt feeling."
Child rape is not a secret. That's exactly what your father or any other predator says:
"Oh, it's our secret.. NEVER tell what happened or you'll be a bad girl who betrayed her father."

Date: 2024-08-22 17:08:55
You want to belittle me you have won. Goodbye

Date: 2024-08-22 17:09:59
You say that I'm irresponsible because I expect a truly faithful Catholic would understand the importance of reporting and recognizing that father's who rape their daughters need to be known by the public.
You claim that I'm a communist for understanding that pedophiles MUST be recognized and rewarded for the HUGE breach of trust they thought they could get away with.
Unless of course because you think you'll be understood as approving of his rape.
I love you, but not as 14-yr-old as I thought I was married to a SURVIVOR of sexual abuse.

Date: 2024-08-22 17:23:36
Survivors do not protect the ones whom they allege abused them.
You never REALLY recovered from what Mr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO did to you in your time under his care and influence.
You appear NOT to have recovered as an ADULT but have only recovered as a CHILD.
Ergo, even as I love you, I cannot pretend to be a believer in the rights of pedophiles and rapists to be given LEGAL IMMUNITY to the consequences of raping their daughters.
Most cops in their right mind would agree, as would almost all priests except those of the child sex abuse order.

Date: 2024-08-22 17:36:16
I was very clear from our data of Holy Matrimony. I do not protect pedophiles.

Date: 2024-08-22 17:43:38
What you did was to protect a pedophile and to negate our Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

Date: 2024-08-22 17:46:44

Date: 2024-08-22 17:51:57
I do not protect pedophiles, and I do not respect those who protect pedophiles.
That is VERY simple. Capisce?

Date: 2024-08-22 18:04:26
Re quote from Ergo to PERIOD. I never said they deserve immunity but that going after those who did the rape is torturously painful for many victims and you should stop pushing me to do what you think best, stop insulting me nd calling me names. You hold yourself in high regard sit on a high throne live in an ivory tower . You are hurting me with this but believe you could do better. I would not wish a man woman or child to be violated. You seem to think you if you were a victim could do better be careful what you say. Self righteous bastard. And your name is Isaac Bon hillier a man who emotionally and psychologically abuses his wife. Sometimes you even hurt me physically.Pay attention Koodo and chatter.

Date: 2024-08-22 18:32:09
As I requested from the beginning, we needed Couple's Counselling. It has been your choice to walk out in your husband in your childishness and avoidant mode of conflict resolution.
The lease at M4-885 Broadview Ave is between myself and Kim, but there is a LTB file opened.
For the Public Record, I am permitted to explain the situation.
Everything here is ours, but you've chosen your as being more committed to providing the safety and security of your Mother and Father than to even respecting the needs of your husband and his son who was adopted by Kelly.

Date: 2024-08-22 20:27:46
Are you coming back to our 885 Broadview Ave location peacefully or are you doing something else to protect your father from the legal and lawful consequences for the criminal act which he committed against his daughter?
You were never confirmed Catholic, do you don't understand the importance of protecting our children from the potential of having a father like Fr FAUSTO.
Did you honestly think I would agree that it was a good idea to let child rapists go around like heroes?
I love 💕 you still, but I'm just sick of fighting with you about your belief that a TRUE Catholic would not legally and lawfully punish your father.
Instead, you choose to fight with your husband in order to protect your privacy and your father's safety and security.
Honestly? 🙏 You needed appropriate psychotherapy in 87, because the way you acted is wrong.
I'm NOT your father, and it's NOT right that you punish me for understanding the subtlety of CANON LAW.

Date: 2024-08-22 20:41:50
Why do you think I don't trust you anymore?
I love you, but I know EXACTLY the lengths to which you will go when I even try criticism of your father or mother for his raping you and leaving ME to live with and manage your severe baggage.
I married you with the hopes of building a new family, yet you're so childlike in your dedication to your mother, your brother, and even your father.
You blame me for recording the frequency of your walkouts? If you don't record something, there's a clear possibility that the pattern will be repeated.
Why do you think I published every mistake I made? To enable others from repeating my mistakes.
You protect pedophiles without regard for our children.
Do you understand the subtlety?
I love you, but you walked out on me again. You're so dead set on protecting your father from the consequences God gave you the choice to make.
Come back or not, I don't think I'll suffer any more from you being a pedo-protector.

Date: 2024-08-22 20:48:35
And for you to criticize me for not telling you what I am thinking, then walking out on me when I criticize you for choosing to protect your mother and father in order to attack my son?
You're funny. No wonder Anne dislikes you.

Date: 2024-08-22 20:59:18
What do you mean with ur phone call u say one thing then cancel what u say with another thing apposite. If you say what u say then I'll listen but u play games with me. So u have no heart nothing new

Date: 2024-08-22 21:10:41
U are highly opinionated u could do better if you suffered a raping then shut up nd don't speak with me again. I am sick wth a cold and u did not tend to me I was cold and u did nothing about it. U treat me like a work horse. Then u put me down.
So if u think u r better than me leave me. I feel rejected numerous times judged. I don't need ur abuse of me YOu think that you should expose an unfortunate thing about a girl -me n you lack sense in that u think it will make me be treated better by society. You have written what u think happened but u look bad. A good man would never do that. U don't speak for women but for men. U r wrong, I told u many * to take it down u keep putting up ur filthy gossip about me you Isaac are no man but a scoundrel. A dirty paparazzi!

Date: 2024-08-22 21:11:28
You just walk out like an animal who hasn't been trained or conditioned to accept your role as my wife.
You protect your father too much, why? Is it because he's really your best friend?
The fact that you blame EVERYTHING on me because you don't want to actually punish your abuser for destroying your childhood and ruing our marriage.
You're bring VERY protective of your daddy's role as your lover of choice.
You're fucking ridiculous.. I just hope you're not going to feel stupid about you REPEATEDLY protecting your father from being punished for roasting you. You're a Catholic I agree, but you do not act like a responsible confirmed Catholic. Because you NEVER want to see your punished punished for having sex with his 14 year old daughter on one or more occasions.
You always storm out when I mention how what you allege your father did to you against your will makes me certain that it we as on more than one occasion and that you believed it was your duty as a good girl was to do what Esperanza would not.

Date: 2024-08-22 21:15:38
You have NO IDEA what a REAL good man is and would do.
Because you were raised by your father and brother, the worst and weakest men I know of. You're conditioned by your mother to quietly accept what your father did to you, and now you protect your lovely father from being recognized and recorded as a child rapist.

Date: 2024-08-22 21:22:56
The simple fact that you protect your father from suffering the legal and lawful consequences of sexually abusing his 14-yr-old daughter is an indicator which I've seen for years, but you're always ready to walk out without understanding between us.
So literally, you didn't believe the vows we made.
"In sickness and in health.,.." right?
Because I can see that you respect me as the father of my son less than you care for the health and safety of your father.

Date: 2024-08-22 21:23:54
Who took our warm blanket into storage?

Date: 2024-08-22 21:27:26
Maybe I'll tell Kim or Kelly that we don't need our blankets because I'm colder than your father and therefore am immune to the consequences of misusing a simple sleeping arrangements of husband with wife, in sickness and in health for the good times and the bad times. Right?

Date: 2024-08-22 21:35:35
You treat me as a man less worthy of your love and honour or even respect than your father.
Think about that.

Date: 2024-08-22 22:14:01
So now u r silent u are a big bully. How can I talk to you when u keep saying the same hurtful things that caused me to leave in the first place. U have to stand by what u wrote and stop contradicting urself. Only Our God knows how much pain u have put me through. Take ur stuff from storage.

Date: 2024-08-22 22:16:00
The duvet is there and the sheep fur your broken boots new boots and moccasins for cold apartments

Date: 2024-08-22 22:21:54
Take your hate filled stuff from ur sites or I will take u to civil court over your slanders n you affecting any jobs or loans or schooling or chance of renting.

Date: 2024-08-22 23:16:02
You're boat here and I've repeatedly documented how you live your mother and father more than your husband.
That is Annulment. Goodbye.

Date: 2024-08-22 23:46:35
*You're NOT here and I've repeatedly documented how you LOVE your mother and father more than your husband.
Goodbye.You value your father before you value me.
The site stays up. Stop acting like a child and you don't be ashamed. You're my 51 year old wife not a 14 year old child.
Grow the fuck up or get the fuck out of my life. I'm not gonna waste yours and mine own time.