To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-07-30 18:18:35
Kim, since you requested the information about our OW & ODSP case workers, we have both been denied our benefits from Social Services because they're saying that we have no proof of residence, and so thusly have both been denied service pending proof of residence.
We covered this in January but you were pushed away by the fact that Mari and Isaac were bickering and arguing.
I still receive my CPP which is like $850 a month, but wife and I have been denied our income from the ONTARIO government for OW and ODSP.
There is additional supportive resources available from ODSP but we NEED to have Proof of Address in order to 'unlock' these Social Services supports I think.
We have an Application of Tenancy for a place in Barrie that is actually for real and something we can manage once we get approved tenancy but therein is the need for VERIFICATION that we have been here since October 1st or so.
We need to talk in person or maybe by phone, but I'm horrible on the phone.
You can call my wife and I to confirm receipt of this message.
Isaac & Mari
Date: 2024-07-30 18:22:22
We require yourself and JoJo as references of tenancy on top of the Medallion Corporation slumlord references they'll provide for us for our 13 year tenancy.
Date: 2024-07-30 19:49:03
Persona Non Grata.
Date: 2024-07-30 19:58:29
1440 + hydro 2 nd floor Barrie