OROZCO CLAN PROTECTION — Happy Birthday for the 49th year to King David Orozco by Ms Elizabeth Orozco — YOU'RE THE BEST DADDY I EVER WANT!

Dear Mr Orozco,

I trust that your “sister” Maritza gave you a great birthday present to celebrate how much she appreciates you. Hopefully she gave you some oral love too, because that’s how I know that Ecuadorian Females love their fathers and brothers.. well, at least the Orozco Clan with its provisions on protections of Child Rapists and restrictions against protecting our vulnerable youth from miscreants like her daddy, Mr Orozco.

Enjoy her, because I know exactly why she claimed that we’re divorced now. Today as part of the Pentecostal Ritual, please be advised to accept her anal nodule for assessment and appreciation. Besides, giving her doggy will allow her to appreciate that you’re the only man for whom she is responsible. Disfrute el postre de su propia perra, Sr. Orozco.

Isaac, Chief Technical Officer
Independent Ontario Advocacy Group
Internet Security, Operations and Intelligence
    Cel:        +1 437-553-2224

